* 48 reasons to watch DAYS | Days of our Lives on Soap Central

48 reasons to watch DAYS

by Tony and Laurisa
Posted Friday, November 08, 2013 6:32:07 AM
48 reasons to watch DAYS

To celebrate Days of our Lives' 48th birthday, our Two Scoopers, Tony and Laurisa, have come up with a list of 48 reasons to watch DAYS. If you're not already watching, this list will give you ample reasons to start tuning in.

Be it hanging Christmas bulbs on the Horton tree, or enjoying a bowl of Caroline's chowder, Salem is no slouch when it comes to tradition. Your faithful Two Scoopers aren't either! Ever since we were lucky enough to snag the job in 2007, we've honored the anniversary of DAYS' first episode by counting down the reasons we love it (and can't get enough of it). This November 8, DAYS turns a fabulous 48! So, grab a celebratory Irish Champagne and watch DAYS because...

48. ...nothing relieves frustration better than one of Roman's, "What da hell?" exclamations.

47. ...sooner or later Jordan is going to take off those glasses, become the "it girl," and really cause some problems.

46. ...Jack may just release more bestsellers from "beyond the grave." Notorious JHD, anyone?

45. ...hearing Victor say, "Ki-dee-AH-keys," and his snappy one-liners, or, well, just about anything else the fabulous John Aniston does is pure win!

44. ...Bo Brady and John Black, International Men of Mystery, have been mysteriously absent, and could return with a scandalous new secret or two.

43. ...Kate Roberts makes you brave enough to streak your hair, wear a million necklaces at once, and stay away from last year's couture like it's a plate of poisoned brownies.

42. ... with Jennifer moved back into Alice's house, you get to see the Horton living room much more!

41. ...you get a daily lesson in "Things That You Have No Business Saying....But Are Funny Anyway" from Anne Millbauer.

40. ...Rafe and Gabi's sibling chemistry is undeniably enjoyable. (We were surprised too!)

39. ...you like to pretend that Maggie would scold anyone who was mean to you too!

38. ...you're hoping Joey Johnson will eventually show up and explain just why cookies take so dang long to bake at the Brady Pub.

37. ...Salem hasn't been pinpointed on the map yet, and you don't want to miss the big moment when the location is finally revealed.

36. ...Bryan Datillo is scheduled to make more appearances in the coming months, and you're dying to see if that means there's finally a gal smart enough to snatch up Lucas!

35. ...because the adorable kids in Salem might very well be more adjusted than the adults. It's only a matter of time before Theo and Ciara take over the Salem PD!

34. ...Dr. Dan might be a ladies' man, but he's as talented as Doctors McSteamy, McDreamy, and Oz all rolled into one! There hasn't been a bullet Daniel can't dig out yet!

33. ...Shane and Kimberly are on their way back for a Donovan throwdown with Theresa. And you're dying to find out why Jeannie Theresa is not such a chip off the old supercouple block.

32. Because you have that friend, mom, or sister who's always down to gossip about what's happening in Salem -- and fathers, husbands, boyfriends, or other assorted male friends who pretend not to watch but could easily list all of main characters, who they're married to, and who they're sleeping with.

31. ...you want to see Sydney and Ari compare notes about how to deal with a surplus of parents at birth.

30. ...you never know when Abe will swoop in and save the day.

29. ...you'll need the proof that it is okay to have a drink in your hand at all times. Thanks, Nicole, for aiding that investigation.

28. ...Parker needs someone to guard his train set.

27. ...when Johnny DiMera decides that he wants to be mayor of Salem, you're totally voting for him. This is a done deal.

26. ...the queen of sassiness, Maxine, was voted the Nurse of the Year, and you couldn't agree more.

25. ... you're still waiting for that scene explaining just where Roman and Allie always escape to. Maybe they hang out with Stephanie and Celeste at the Java Cafe?

24. ...you want to see that magical encounter when T meets Rory -- a clash of cerebral giants if there ever was one.

23. ...Kayla is finally out from behind the bar and back at the hospital, as chief of staff, with an office, and making powerful decisions thankyouverymuch!

22. ...even Bo-less, Hope is still the best, and you don't want to risk an eyebrow scolding by not watching. Oh, you know she can kill with a look!

21. ... Will and Sonny continue to take part in this prehistoric tradition known as "parenting your child on-screen," and you don't know when you'll see that again.

20. ...sooner or later, you'll be living the high life in the DiMera Mansion, too. Come on! You know Stefano likes to keep a full house, and chances are you could be one of his long-lost kids.

19. ...you never know what you'll learn by standing under one of those archways in the Town Square.

18. ...even though Adrienne's actions have caused you to groan this year, you haven't received this much of Justin's dimpled awesomeness since feathered hair and shoulders pads were actually in style.

17. ...you can't wait to see if Abigail decides to be a Sami or a Carrie.

16. ... you wonder who Brady will proclaim "has changed" next.

15. ... Sami and Marlena actually get along now. Nope, you are not imagining things!

14. ....you really can appreciate what good friends Cameron has.

13. ...Victor, Nicole, and Marlena joining forces is about as fabulous as Nicole's new hairdo.

12. ...the frenemy chemistry between Freddie Smith and Camila Banus is ridiculously entertaining.

11. ...Eric will tell God if you don't. Then you'd have to go to church, confess your sins, and WHOOPS! stare at Father Eric again. (It's a vicious cycle that we all must suffer through together.)

10. ...Stefano rolling his R's and calling everyone by their given names is still totally awesome.

9. ...DAYS certainly knows how to do drama, but it also brought the funny back in some high-larious ways!

8. ...you still wonder if there's a storyline that Arianne Zucker can't sell. "Adventures at Nicole's Basket Weaving Classes," "Nicole Reads Desk Assembly Directions,"... Nope, can't think of one she couldn't rock.

7. ...thanks to the über talented, Blake Berris, the line to punch Nick is growing by the day. You don't want to lose your spot!

6. ...Doug and Julie can show up at any time and dazzle us with a song and a smile. Besides, do you really want to get on Julie's bad side if you're not here when she is?

5. ...years after letting them marinate in all their rotten, passionate goodness, someone finally had the good sense to make E.J. and Sami a real couple, and the frustrated fan base known as "EJami" finally scored a victory. Holy amazeballs, Batman, oh, what a victory it was!

4. ...Salem hasn't been the same since the amazing Casey Moss blew into town and turned J.J. into must-watch TV.

3. ...Eileen Davidson still has a few more weeks of awesome to share with the class, no doubt in the form of a massive showdown with co-legend Deidre Hall.

2. ...the only thing more comforting to DAYS fans than one of Alice's donuts is hearing the ageless MacDonald Carey proclaim, "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives."

1. ...after 35 years, the Emmys finally reinforced what DAYS fans knew all along -- our show is the most Outstanding Drama Series in daytime television, and you don't want to be the last one to the party!

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