Audrey then went to work with orphaned children in Vietnam for 6 months. Audrey married Dr. Tom Baldwin, brother of Lee, and became pregnant. The marriage didn't last. She filed for divorce, left town and gave birth to a son, Tom Baldwin, Jr. She came back to town claiming her baby had died, in truth the baby was living with a nanny. Audrey wanted to divorce Tom without going through a custody fight. Her secret was eventually found out and she got back with Tom. He and their nanny kidnapped Tom Jr., and left town. Months later the nanny returned with the baby claiming Tom had died in Mexico. The nanny turned up murdered and Audrey was charged with the crime, but later cleared of all charges.
Later, Audrey married Dr. Jim Hobart, but the marriage turned out to be a disaster. Jim was a drunk and tormented Audrey to the point where she attempted suicide with an overdose of sleeping pills. After recovering she remarried Steve Hardy. Tom Baldwin showed up saying he had been in a Mexican jail all this time. After a custody fight, they agreed to divorce. She and Steve remarried legally.
In 1993 she was severely beaten by Ryan Chamberlin and recovered. In 1996 her beloved Steve died, and Audrey morned his passing. In 1997 she survived brain surgery after being attacked by the delusional Greg Cooper. Granddaughter Sarah (by Jeff Webber, her stepson) arrived in town to help her recuperate. Sarah's sister Lizzie popped up soon after, and Audrey had to try to take care of them as best she could.
In 1998, Lizzie was raped. When Audrey found out, she repeatedly told Liz to move on, to forget as soon as possible. When Liz finally had enough, their argument led to Audrey thinking of her own rape at the hands of Tom Baldwin, a rape she had buried for decades. Finally, she confronted the brutal attack she herself had been a victim of, and she and Lizzie became closer.
Audrey has been seen infrequently ever since, futilely trying to give Liz advice, or trotted out every year for the Christmas episode.
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